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Dr Me – School Health Education package Workshops for Schools

Life is an exciting journey. Accompanying us on this journey, is a miraculous machine, our body. To optimise our wellbeing, we need to treat our bodies well, and give them the sustenance they need.

Health education DR ME workshops encourage individuals to focus on why it is important to prioritise their health, and what habits can be implemented into their daily routines to achieve their goals.  

By concentrating on what we eat (diet), how we sleep (resilience) how we prioritise the positives in life (mind) and how we move our bodies (exercise) we can encourage our bodies to work to their full capacity.

Since 2016, DR ME has motivated over 700 school children and corporations to optimise their health. By providing people with a toolkit to become their own doctor- DR ME, individuals are encouraged to be the healthiest, happiest, and most productive people possible. 

School Health Education Packages 

Any child in primary, secondary or further education will benefit DR ME workshops in the following ways: 

  • Children will be healthier and therefore absent less often;

  • Individuals be more motivated to learn;

  • Children will have higher IQ’s as they are able to absorb, retain and recall information more readily;

  •  Pupils will get more out of life generally. 


DR ME sessions are completely tailored to your school, workshops can cater for up to 70 children at a time. 

Teachers will benefit from the sessions as no planning or marking is necessary.

After schools workshops are offered to work with parents and/or teachers to reinforce the key DR ME messages.

All workshops are all eligible for PE Premium funding.

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