Click on the links in the table below listed below to go to the websites of companies that can deliver African Dance Workshops for Schools Nationwide. We have listed all we could find because we do not charge to list.
It has taken several years to create this site and we are determined to keep it in good order and expand it further. In order to generate the income to do this we will be offering all listers the option, should they choose to do so to raise their profiles for a modest fee for example the ability to advertise special offers and general sales.
African Dance Workshops for Schools Nationwide
Louis-Roger Eboa (Bristol & Surrounding Counties) for EYS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Juliet (London & Surrounding Counties) for EYS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Dance Days (London, the South East, Midlands, North West and Yorkshire) for EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4
VG Dance Workshops (Throughout the UK) for EYS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Adeela (Manchester and Surrounding Counties) for KS1, KS2
Joliba West African Drum and Dance School (Staffs, Derbys, Lancs, Salop, W. Mids) for KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4
FabDrumming (Somerset and Surrounding Counties) for KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Other Services to the Sector
We also offer a further unique service to buyers in the education sector and the companies who supply the sector. In addition to listing suppliers of workshops for schools nationwide and venues for school trips, we list suppliers of products and other services. There you will find suppliers who sell pretty much every product sold to schools in 168 categories from 3D to winter products.
Failure to Respond to Enquiries
We have only listed facilitators who have websites because that would in most cases indicate that they are still trading. But COVID had a devastating effect on the sector, as workshop providers and venues for school trips could not trade and most received little or no assistance from the government. Therefore if you do not receive a response from a website please email us at and let us know so that we can make further enquiries.
Covid and African Dance Workshops for Schools Nationwide
As a result of Covid many workshop providers have developed online workshops, However, please note that we have not listed such workshops at this stage.