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The British Red Cross – First Aid education for Schools

The principles in action today

A flash of hope

Around the world, whenever a humanitarian crisis occurs, the Red Cross or Red Crescent is always one of the first organisations on the scene thanks to our kind volunteers.

Today, the challenges posed by an unpredictable and often changing global landscape have never been greater. But our principles still ring true.

They still guide us through adversity. They still command respect. They still make the Red Cross unique.

Protection at all costs

We recognise we’re only able to work in conflict zones such as Yemen, Syria and South Sudan because we’re neutral, impartial and independent, and because the red cross and red crescent emblems reflect these principles.

This is why it is important we celebrate the principles and make as much noise as possible about why they matter.

Principles in action project

Our Principles in action project explores how the fundamental principles help the Red Cross across the world.

Using real-life examples, the project shows how the principles help staff and volunteers gain access to, and help, people in need. You can download the project’s in-depth reports below.

First Aid Workshop

Learning objectives

Learners will:

  • learn and practise simple first aid actions
  • feel confident that they can help
  • learn the importance of giving first aid while keeping themselves safe
  • understand where to get help.

Resource overview

1. What is first aid?

Think about why first aid is important and the kinds of situations when it is needed.

2. Stay safe

Keep yourself and others safe by learning how to spot dangers and hazards.

3. Help save lives

Learn about when you should help and what you can do.

4. Emergency action

Learn about how to get adult help in an emergency, calling 999, keeping calm and comforting a person who is unwell.

5. Teachers’ area

Where teachers can download and print lesson plans and worksheets, access a full breakdown of curriculum links, manage pupil assessment quizzes and view extra activity ideas.


First aid on the curriculum

In July the government announced plans to add first aid to the curriculum in England. The announcement marks a turning point in first aid education and will empower hundreds of thousands of young people with the fundamental skills to save a life.

The planned changes were announced as part of new guidance and regulations on ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’. Under the draft guidelines primary school children will learn how deal with common injuries, including head injuries, and will know how to make a clear and efficient call to the emergency services.

The Government is now consulting the public about the plans and we would encourage you to have your say through the online survey. If you’re already inspired to start teaching first aid, explore our Life. Live It. resource.

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