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Pulse CSI – CSI workshops for primary schools

The Transition from Primary to Secondary School

The national curriculum (2013) calls for a ‘secure understanding’ of knowledge and concepts of science, stating that ‘insecure [and] superficial understanding’ will hinder progression, specifically identifying ‘key points of transition (between primary and secondary school)’ as a time of high risk. Pulse CSI has identified this risk and has noticed a high demand for workshop services between the transitional period of key stage 2 to key stage 3. All schools who engage with the workshops report a significant increase within pupil attainment for scientific subjects. Pulse CSI workshops actively provide an interactive baseline for students to progress into the levels of scientific enquiry expected in key stage 3 studies.

KS2 (Full Day) Forensic Science Workshop

Days Format | Morning Session

During the morning session all students willfully engaged in practical, ‘hands-on’ activities, these will include learning about the processes and applications used at a Crime Scene including, Fingerprinting using Magnetic Powder and Black Ink.  Additionally, the students will be analysing Footwear and Hair and Fibre. The last part of this session is looking at the collection and preservation of evidence at a Crime Scene and the importance of evidence retrieval and the significant part it plays in a court of law, giving the pupils an insight into the Criminal Justice System. 

Days Format | Afternoon Session

During the afternoon session, all pupils will don a White SOCO (Scene of Crime Officer) suit, gloves, mask and overshoes and then they will be required to apply their newly acquired skill-set learnt from the morning session to their group Crime Scenes and investigate and report their findings with the help of Suspect Profiles and all the authentic forensic resources used in the morning session.  The afternoon session helps promote team building, problem-solving and encourages your pupils to equally, work independently.  Our CSI Workshops are guaranteed to Inspire, Motivate, Engage and completely keep your students on task!    

Generic Timetable

(All timings can be tailored to your individual school’s timetable)

9.15       –      9.30                   Optional CEOP “e-Safety” IT Session

9.30       –     10.30                  Forensic Science “hands-on” activities and introduction to Crime Scene Investigation

10.45     –     11.00                  Morning Break 

11.00     –     12.30                  Continued with Forensic Science “hands-on” activities and introduction to Crime Scene Investigation

12.30     –     1.30                    Lunch Break

1.30       –     1.45                    Pupils put White SOCO Suits, Gloves, Footwear Overshoes & Mask 

1.45       –     2.30                    Crime Scene Investigation – Group Session’s

2.45       –     3.00                   Clean up 

3.00       –     3.30                   Conclusion  

Based on 120 pupils we could deliver a full-day workshop based on a school hall delivery based on 20 Groups x 6 Pupils Per Group, depending upon your Year Group size.  If you have larger year groups a delivery over 2 days is possible, please contact us directly to discuss your requirements further:

  • All resources are supplied by PULSE CSI
  • All workshops can be tailored to your individual school’s/colleges requirements and timetables
  • Travel &  accommodation costs may be applicable to some locations particularly in the South East
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