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Jelena – Samba Dance Workshops for Schools

About Me

I  was born in Estonia and  trained for a career in dance at Tallin University gaining a BA in Dance & Choregraphy. On moving to the UK, I underwent further training graduating with an MA in Creative Practice from Trinity Laban, London in 2015.

Since then I have worked as a professional performer and dance teacher and have delivered a wide range of dance workshops to UK schools.

Samba Dance Workshops for Schools

I deliver workshops in a range of different cultural dance styles, including this one, Samba Dance. This workshop is designed so that children will have natural understanding of the cultural context and origin of the dance, while introducing basic steps, movements, techniques, music and the inherent cultural atmosphere. For each age group there is a specific and suitable approach. I enjoy working with children with special needs.

Linking my Workshops to Your Topic or the Curriculum

I can link my workshops to your topic or the curriculum to support your pupil’s learning using dance as a vehicle. To enquire, please use the contact form below.

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