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Finding the Will – FINDING THE WILL Shakespeare Project Week

Demystifying Shakespeare for Students of all Ages

FINDING THE WILL’s fervent desire is to show that the plays of Shakespeare are as accessible now as they were four hundred years ago. They are cracking stories full of passion, jealousy, betrayal, love, war and humour – as good as any Hollywood blockbuster movie today.

We demystify Shakespeare making it easy to understand, enjoyable, relevant and, above all else, fun! FINDING THE WILL offers Shakespeare workshops for schools and adult groups designed to take the fear out of Shakespeare.

Shakespeare Workshops

At FINDING THE WILL the ‘end’ we work towards is one where all who take part leave with an understanding, not only of the characters, plots and themes of a particular play, but an awareness that Shakespeare is as relevant today as it always was. To reach that end, a journey of individual confidence building and creative teamwork is undertaken.

FINDING THE WILL believes there are no wrong answers only interesting ideas. The children are continually encouraged to let their imaginations take flight, to empathise with and to articulate complex dilemmas of each principal character. By the end of the story all that have taken part have gone on a journey far beyond the confines of the play.


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