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Science Centres for School Trips

In order to find Science based school trips in the part of the UK you are planning to visit, click on the UK county links below. Then from the county page you will see a list of multi Science centres that offer school day trips and school residential trips. Each centre has its own promotional page in order to help you choose the right centre for your school trip. If you then click on each of the Science centre’s links you can then read about them. They have included as much information as they can about the services they provide so that you can make your decision about which centre to book with for your science school trip. If you then have any questions or wish to book, you can either call the centre or contact them using the online form at the bottom of their page.

In order to provide schools with the range of activities and facilities they require, you will see that we only list centres that are experienced in working with and that welcome school groups. To give schools as much choice as possible for their day and residential science school trips, you will see that we have listed 53 UK counties so far with more UK counties pending.

Science Centres for School Trips



Our Mission

All the workshop providers and venues featured on this website are there because they specifically offer their services to schools. We have provided them with a page or pages FREE OF Charge where they can set out the details of the workshops they deliver and other relevant information. There is also a form that buyers can use to enquire or book. This service is also, of course, FREE TO USE by all buyers.

All enquiries from buyers are automatically forwarded to sellers directly by the software.

In order to generate the income that Educational Workshops will need to maintain and grow this site we will be offering a range of additional, but optional benefits to suppliers (including providers of products and other services listed in Edsuma.) The first of these will be the ability to advertise on this site-specific discounts and sales. This service will help buyers to keep costs to a minimum. It will be launched in the autumn term.

We have decided not to charge suppliers for their listings because we are determined to provide schools and other organisations in the education sector with the widest possible choice. So we will be working hard to provide the widest possible geographical coverage for all listings. However, we are pleased to say, that with more than 500 workshop and venue listings, we have already made an impressive start.


If you remain concerned about admitting visitors to the school to deliver different kinds of Workshops for Schools, please be aware that we also have listings on this site for online workshops. Many workshop facilitators have had no income since March 2020. So without schools’ support, they will not survive. Therefore please provide that support as soon as you are able.


Edsuma is a new way for buyers in the education sector to quickly find the suppliers of products who are most likely to sell you what you need. It features more than 800 suppliers selling 96 different categories of products and services from 3D Printers and scanners to Wnter Products and Services. To start using it click on Edsuma in the menu above.

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